Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yesu ndi wabwino nthawi zonse!!!

"Yesu ndi wabwino nthawi zonse" = "God is good all the times!" 

I just had to take a few minutes this morning to give a little update.  Last Saturday was the long-awaited Reach Out & Touch Banquet which was intended to benefit Save Widows & Orphan Foundation in Ntcheu, Malawi (see my last post for more on this story).  I had never planned an event quite like this before in our ministry.  I'd been told many times that it's a huge undertaking, but never gave it much thought untill half way through the planning when I realized that I just couldn't do enough follow-up and finalization of plans.  In the last weeks of planning that could have been a full-time job on its own! 

As the date, 16 March 2013, rapidly approached, I honestly wondered what in the world I was thinking!  But, when the day came and the banquet was under way we were so outrageously blessed.  We had planned for 75 - 100 people to attend including the help.  The event help very well immitated the planing and our family. About 35 close friends, some new aquaintances others life-long encouragers, made up those in attendance.  I was initially discouraged by the low attendance but quickly saw that God was in it in a huge way!  From those and four corporate table sponsors almost $1,800 was realized that evening.  Since Saturday, as a result of The Moving of The Almighty that number has nearly doubled!  I never would have guessed that that kind of life-saving impact would be seen from such a few.  Out of our discouragement God exceeds all expectations!

That's the God that I serve!!!

Nthawi zonse, Yesu ndi wabwino!!!