
Malawi 2013 Team Highlights!!!

Downtown Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

First sights of Malawi

Carla Hart, US Red Cross Volunteer, at Ntcheu, Malawi Red Cross Building

Carla holding "Anna" at Ntcheu Hospital

Phyllis Brown ministering in Ntcheu Hospital

Two worlds meet in OB

Phyllis Brown giving "Little Dresses"

Orphan - "Little Dress" recipient

Hope Endeavors chicken project

Carla Hart, RN in bush hospital OB Ward

Widow's House - Before

Widow's House - Demolition

Widow's House - After

Amputee patient cared for in her home by Carla

Sessions 1 & 2 of Herb Committee training at site #2

Committee Members - Class "On-Site"

Planting the "Herbals"

Children flock to the Agogo

Teaching planting and care of Basil to some of the ladies


Finished garden at site #1

Abusa Joshua Kololo and his Agogo

Visiting with my dear Achemwene, Abusa Kololo and family at their home