Sunday, September 15, 2013

Malawi 2013 Update!

Kaloga's current water source. 
Mountain spring contaminated by filth upstream!
The well sites have been surveyed, the herbs are growing, and the team is coming together!  I'm going to step outside of the box a bit and flat out ask you for money in this post!

The driller took the measurements and determined that he underbid the job of drilling the well in Kaloga.  The location is far more remote and far rougher terrain than he realized, and the water table is well below 45 meters...much deeper than anticipated!  What that boils down to is we need more money.  He raised the bid by $1,000.  That's still a very good bid for the area! 

Proposed site #1.
About 1km up the hill from the river.

Also, our vision to make this well and the Medicinal Herb Project locally maintainable and sustainable from day one is already a cultural norm.  We just need to fund it!  That vision is a managing committee.  To train the members, purchase supplies, and subsidize wages for basic staff the cost for both projects is under $1,700 one-time-expense.  

Proposed site #2.
This road was marked out in the field that morning!

I am planning for a team of four to travel with me in October.  We have a total need of $3,500 per person on the team.  So far I know of about $4,800 that these team members are planning to contribute of their own funds leaving a balance of $12,700! 

Widow's House...if you can call it that!
It's less than 6' long on the exterior wall!

May I also mention here that one well is only the tip of the iceberg that is Kaloga's need!  In my "Projects" page you'll also see the "Widow's House".  Please give TODAY to help save these lives.  All of this is just to share Christ's Love with a lost and dying world!!!  Send your monetary gift now!!!

Planting Seeds!
"And Brother, if I can say they are growing, I mean they are GROWING!"
7 of the 12 pots at about 10 days!
Basil, Parsley, Dill &...pictured!
This is the road to Kaloga.
On the Left is Mozambique,
on the Right is Malawi.
This work WILL save lives in BOTH countries!!!