Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane...!!!

It has been busy, progress has been great, and GOD's blessings are never-ending!!! 

I am en route to Washington D.C. today to catch my international flight to Lilongwe, Malawi.  THE WELL HAS BEEN FUNDED!!!  I should arrive in Lilongwe on Wednesday morning and begin work en route to Ntcheu District right away!  I've shared with you previously that the objective of this year's team trip is to provide a clean well for Kaloga Village, begin a medicinal herb project, and obviously, evangelize the lost in the process!  NOW, things have worked in favor of an October team with a preliminary planning trip...TODAY!

I have the privilege of moving Alyssa Collins, new missionary, into her host home in Ntcheu this week.  Also, The Almighty is allowing me to start seeds so we have plants to put in the ground in October (the beginning of Rainy Season), meet with top officials about the prospect of Mission Aviation in Malawi, and take the funds to drill the well!  This will be a busy week on the ground to get things in order...but the eternal impact should be far greater than originally anticipated!!!

Even as I type, God is paving the way a little smoother with unexpected blessings!!!  Yesu ndi wabwino, nthawi zones!!!